Friday, July 22, 2011

Norwegians are badly injured but our ignorance keeps us from reaching out a hand!

When ignorance keeps us from reaching out a hand!

Norway has been bombed, a political youth event has been invaded with an attack, people are hurt, people are killed and now hospitals are asking for blood donors with the bloodtype 0. But my question is… What can I do when I do not know what bloodtype I have? How can I help?
In Norway you can only know what bloodtype you have if you already dontated blood, have already been in the millitary or if you have been pregnant. So what can the rest of do when we do not belong to this category?
Is it not time we get our bloodtype written into our passports?
Isn’t it time to release the information people need to be able to help each other?
I am now sitting in my house like many other norwegians as the owner of a body that consists of 5 liters of blood, but my ignorance keeps me from helping others to survieve. That to me is pointless.

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