Friday, August 19, 2011

Lets join hands across boarders!

It is time we join hands across boarders! THE HORN of Africa is suffering from its worst drought in 60 years, and food shortages are affecting as many as 12million people across the region. The United Nations has declared that two regions are suffering from famine conditions, with child malnutrition rates of up to 55 percent and infant deaths of six a day. An estimated 2.8million people in southern Somalia are facing starvation, and 3.7million in the country overall — or half the population.The outside world has been slow to address this crisis. Early warnings of a famine began last November, but the U.N. declaration did not come until late in July. We must act now as the privileged people of a western world that we are. We who have everything must give to the people that have nothing, we must reach out a hand, and let the western and african hand join - as we are one in the world of Tellus. Collect money where you can and donate to the organization closest to you.

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