Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Fierce Flamingos
The fierce flamingos have entered the pans of Namibia. It is their annual gathering to celebrate their own little pre-party of the rainy season. By pre-party I mean: they chill out a little bit to gather their strength for what their main goal is by moving into these pans, and that is breeding!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Do not miss this!
Søndag 4. november kl. 1700, i Kverneland
Kr 250,- (i døra)
Arrangør: Doc Johannes Ørbeck-Nilssen
Når du er frisk har du tusen ønsker, når du er syk har du bare ett!
Den greske filosofen Platon sa for flere tusen år siden at den største hindringen til et godt liv er bekymring for egen helse.
Hva er egentlig helse, og hvorfor blir vi syke?
Velkommen til et foredrag/dialog hvor vi sammen dykker under overflaten for å bevege oss et steg nærmere helse for livet!
Hva er egentlig helse, og hvorfor blir vi syke?
Velkommen til et foredrag/dialog hvor vi sammen dykker under overflaten for å bevege oss et steg nærmere helse for livet!
Forbered gjerne spørsmål hvis det er ting du lurer på rundt helse og sykdom.
Varighet: Ca 2t +30 min spørsmål og svar
Varighet: Ca 2t +30 min spørsmål og svar
Kun 40 plasser!
Reservasjon kan gjøres på e-post: eller tlf/sms: 971 56 994
Reservasjon kan gjøres på e-post: eller tlf/sms: 971 56 994
Foredragsholder: Lege Johannes Ørbeck-Nilssen
Arrangør og tekst: Doc Johannes Ørbeck-Nilssen
For spørsmål om innhold, deltakere eller eventuelt billettsalg, ta kontakt direkte med arrangør.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Africa bound!
I'm once again heading south, Africa bound.
Stay tuned for news, updates, adventures and daily inspiration!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
When we read about the sun or hear people talk about the sun, it is often in a context of how damaging and cancer provoking the sun is. Well, do not be fooled. The Sun is the prime source of the energy that we get from the food that we eat. Remember the food chain system that we have learned from Biology class? The Sun provides energy and photosynthesis that is needed for plants to grow. Sunlight is the best and only natural source of vitamin D.associated only with its role in bone formation, is actually active throughout the human body, powerfully influencing immune system responses and cell defences.
In Greek culture, the Sun was named Helios and represented a human form.
The Sun played a very important part in the lives of the ancient Egyptians as well. In the earliest times, it was feared and dreaded because of its mysteriousness. The continuous rising and setting of the Sun was also looked upon as representing the cyclical nature of life.

Shaded inspiration

In the fashion fracas for the most dominant color, the victor came out black and blue, the biggest color trend combination this fall. This trend was seen in almost every show at the fall 2012 New York Fashion Week. But we also see a repedative countershading occurring every fashion season. Either its shades of grey, shades of brown or shades of pastel or neon colors.
Now where does this inspiration come from? Could it maybe be that the fashion animals from the pavement jungle got inspiration from the real animal kingdom?
Animals use countershading as a form of camouflage. It creates an optical illusion that occurs when the coloration of the upper parts of an animal is darker than it's undersides. Hence the effect of sunlight is counteracted. The normal casting of a shadow on the ground is distorted and the animal is not given away by its shadow. In the case of the impala antelope the countershading make an impala, standing still with its side facing the predator, look as something 2 dimentional ( not a real object, but somewhat of a poster effect)
In the case of the great white shark, the dark upper side will blend in with the dark of the bottom of the sea, whilst the lighter underparts will blend in with the light coming from the surface, which makes the shark almost impossible to see from top and bottom. Obviously this only works when you are quite far away from the shark.
Thank the animals for the countershaded trends!
Monday, October 15, 2012
A fun surprise
A friend of mine made me aware of one little fun fact today. Hey Aleks? is it not you that is opening the movie about Bill Cunningham. And indeed it was me! Shows you how genius Bill Cunningham really is with sneak shooting people and their outfits in the streets of NYC.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The road towards conservation
How would you treat the earth? If you could live forever?
Would you make the same decisions that you make today?
Would you be the change? or close your eyes?
When do you choose to see?
Friday, October 12, 2012
Nanofasa Nature Reserve
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Please share this page with as many friends as you can. all help is good help. Big things have small beginnings;)
Monday, October 8, 2012
Keep the date 2 track yourself down
på Litteraturhuset i Oslo den 16 Oktober kl 19.00
Tracking is like dancing, my body feels happy and connected.- San People
I verden i dag lever vi hele verdens historien på en gang.
Alle aldere lever side om side, og vi er ekstremt privilegerte som har denne muligheten til å leve alt til en og samme tid.
Vi kommer fra en verden der det handler om å eie, konkurrere, og bli den beste. Men hvem er vi egentlig når alt det blir tatt fra oss? Når maskene av rollefigurene vi spiller i forskjellige settinger blir beslaglagt.? Hvem er vi da?
Den ene verden eksisterer ikke uten den andre, de må integreres og sammen skape et sentrum av forståelse og gjensidighet. En termitt er vel så viktig som en elefant. En San stamme er like dyrebar som et olje samfunn. Alle spiller en viktig rolle i dagens økologi, men roller blir ubetydelige hvis vi ikke skaper en helhet. Denne helheten er frihet.
Vi skal sammen finne frem til oss selv, og den vi egentlig er ved å følge sporene som er tegnet I sanden. De afrikanske dyrene, sporene og trærne kan lære oss om hvor vi kommer fra, og at vi som Ghandi uttalte kan være den forandringen vi ønsker å se i verden.
Vi skal i foredraget utforske naturens verden, lese sporene og vegetasjonen som vårt crime scene, der vi er de heldige detektivene.
Let's go Tracking!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Baby Architect
When we are young and small
we think we know nothing at all
We act without confusion
We have no clear line between what is real or
We think it is our surroundings that is the guide
that shape us
& decide
We have no perception
we know nothing of deception
We act with out confusion
we know what we want
what we like and hate
what tastes good or bad
there is no wrong
there is no right
we smile when we are free
and cry when we are sad
As kids we are the unofficial architects
of our own life
it is the I in individual that exists
not somebodies child, husband or wife.
When we grow up we think this all disappears
but we are wrong
we might not be childlike and light as a feather
but we are still architects
of our own
life and weather.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Jurassic rocks
I'm pretty sure that the Saturday night fever movie got their inspiration from crocodiles when they choose the song STAYIN' ALIVE.
The crocodile’s ancestry dates back 200 million years, the crocodile, as we know it today, first evolved about 80 million years ago. According to the fossil record, their body plan has changed little since, enabling them to outlive the dinosaurs and become the most advanced of all reptiles and the most successful freshwater predator. One of the keys to the crocs survival is something one might think of as primitive: cold-bloodedness. Like all reptiles, crocs are ectotherms, which means they must gather heat from their environment. Crocodiles have developed behaviors to control their body thermostat: they bask in the sun when cool and seek shade or water when hot. Ectotherms like crocs don’t need to eat regularly to warm their bodies, and so they save an enormous amount of energy that can be put to other use or stored for later.
Amazing right? Maybe we should all think about this, next time we consider buying a croc skin handbag! And then buy a fake croc skin bag instead;)
The crocodile’s ancestry dates back 200 million years, the crocodile, as we know it today, first evolved about 80 million years ago. According to the fossil record, their body plan has changed little since, enabling them to outlive the dinosaurs and become the most advanced of all reptiles and the most successful freshwater predator. One of the keys to the crocs survival is something one might think of as primitive: cold-bloodedness. Like all reptiles, crocs are ectotherms, which means they must gather heat from their environment. Crocodiles have developed behaviors to control their body thermostat: they bask in the sun when cool and seek shade or water when hot. Ectotherms like crocs don’t need to eat regularly to warm their bodies, and so they save an enormous amount of energy that can be put to other use or stored for later.
Amazing right? Maybe we should all think about this, next time we consider buying a croc skin handbag! And then buy a fake croc skin bag instead;)
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